“When people are grateful for what they have, they will experience a great deal of happiness in their life.” I sincerely believe this.
People who constantly complain about or focus on what they don’t have must have a difficult time finding any peace or serenity in their lives.
Gratitude, for me, means being grateful for the little things I do have, and not “sweating” what is missing. Most importantly, since coming back into recovery, I have reconnected with my family and with friends and former co-workers. I am very thankful that they stuck by me in bad times (during my many relapses and attempts to get sober over the past two years).
My life is no-where near perfect, but with gratitude comes the realization that if I live my recovery program and don’t worry about what I lack in materials things, everything I need will come to me in time.
Most importantly, I am grateful to be alive. It was not an easy decision to make to return to treatment, but I am very glad they were there. At the time, I knew I had a choice to make and I am thankful that I had the strength to choose wisely. It has been difficult facing the people in my life and admitting my shortcomings, but by doing so, I feel closer to them than I ever have.
Gratitude now plays a very important role in my sobriety and in my life. I no longer stress out over things I cannot control, I don’t try to plan everything down to the tiniest detail, and therefore I am experiencing a new and amazing sense of hope and serenity.
I am thankful to have “today” and to be able to share the benefits of being alive and sober with others. It is truly a blessing.