When I first came into recovery, my mind was all over the place. I was unable to organize my thoughts and the feelings that were surfacing were overwhelming. Fear, anger, shame, remorse and bitterness. Fourteen months later, my thoughts have slowed down. I can identify feelings and manage them. This has been made possible through the program of the 12 Steps.
If I’m consistently doing the right thing such as keeping my commitments, showing up on time, keeping my priorities in check, helping others and maintaining conscious contact with my Higher Power, remaining grateful and not keeping secrets or being dishonest, then I’m sure to be happy. Right? Well, so far, this has been the case for me.
I don’t need to have the best of everything. What I do need is to make the best of everything.
Don’t get me wrong, things don’t always go my way and I have a lot of complicated situations in my life, but I keep my attitude positive. I do this by practicing acceptance and by listening to the experience, strength and hope of those in the program who have gone before me. I know that if I do what they do, my life will have a limitless amount of possibilities.