RECOVERY 2 HONESTY, Honesty is defined as the quality of being truthful, open and transparent – it is a moral characteristic. Everyone tells little “white lies” from time to time, but those people in recovery from addictions need to pay close attention to honesty. They need to be truthful with others and themselves.
The active user often uses lies and dishonesty to avoid conflict with others. These falsehoods can grow larger – using one lie to cover up another, and when this untruthfulness becomes known, it can destroy family, work and social relationships. It can also destroy the self-worth and self-esteem of the addicted. It is usually when this destructive behavior becomes overwhelming that the individual develops a willingness to change.
It is vital that the individual in recovery from addiction own up to their dishonesty and continue to do so in the future. The more they do this, the easier it becomes.
The foundation of recovery for the addicted is honesty. Recovery 2 Honesty, He or she has to stop using excuses and lies and has to meet his or her responsibilities completely.